Hair fall - Causes, prevention, and treatments

Hair is generally referred to as one's "crowning glory". It is a direct expression of an individual's personality and style. We love to look after our hair, often styling them in different ways. Because, why not? A person's hair is the first thing that makes him/her noticeable.

But once we start losing our hair, it becomes a big cause of concern. Generally, we shed around 50-100 hair strands every day. However, excessive hair loss can be troublesome as it affects our self-esteem, causes worry, and makes us feel bad about ourselves. There could be many possible reasons for hair fall. For instance, nutrient deficiencies, stress, pregnancy, or hereditary factors.

However, if they are properly looked after, you can control hair fall with certain remedies that are natural and effective in saving your precious hair.

This article will help you take the steps that provide the necessary care for your hair promoting its growth as well as its health. Keep reading to unravel the secret to healthy and thick hair. 

Causes of Hair fall

Genetic/Hereditary Factors

This is the most common reason for hair fall. If your parents have a hair loss problem, then by default it is likely that you will have it as well. Genetic hair fall, also known as Androgenetic Alopecia, mostly affects males and is rarely passed on to females through genes.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal imbalance in the body is one of the main causes of hair fall. It increases the sensitivity of hair follicles, weakens the hair roots, thereby causing hair fall. Hormonal changes include PCOD, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, menopause, excess secretion of testosterone, etc.


When a person becomes stressed, it can lead to sudden hair loss which could last for quite a long time. Stress can occur in various forms such as illness, excessive weight loss, physical labor, and so on which causes dehydration, exhaustion, and triggers many symptoms in the body one of which is excessive hair fall.

Thyroid Disorders

Another reason for hair fall could be thyroid disorders. To treat thyroid disorder, an anti-thyroid medication is prescribed which may trigger hair loss. In these types of cases, the hair looks scanty, and the hair loss is evenly distributed all over the scalp.

Scalp Infection

Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections like psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis in the scalp can weaken the roots and damage hair follicles which leads to thinning of hair, often causing breakage and hair fall.

Hair Styling Products

High usage of hair styling products such as straightener, curler, dryer, provides excessive heat to hair which weakens its structure and depletes it of its natural oils and moisture resulting in hair fall. Similarly, products like shampoos and hair sprays contain Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) which has a toxic effect on your immune system and has been proven to corrode hair follicles and obstruct hair growth.

Medical Conditions

Apart from the above reasons, there are many diseases or medical conditions that could be responsible for hair loss. It includes diseases such as telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, aging, etc.

How to control hair fall?

Hair fall can be controlled by understanding and tackling the root causes that cause the hair to weaken and ultimately fall from our heads. Some of the easy to follow steps can be:

Chose the right Shampoo

It is extremely important to choose the right shampoo for your hair. It should be mild and suit your hair. Make sure that the shampoo is not loaded with harsh chemicals including sulfate, paraben, and silicone. These chemicals can make your hair brittle and thin, and hence, prone to breakage. Try switching your shampoo in case you have been losing excess hair.

Condition your hair

Conditioning of hair is often neglected and is much more important than is thought to be. Choosing a good conditioner is equally important as choosing a good shampoo. Choosing an apt conditioner can work wonders for your locks. Make sure that your conditioner has an abundance of amino acids as it will help you to repair damaged hair, and keep them silky smooth.

Don't chemically treat or bleach your hair

Hair treatment chemicals cause sudden and irreversible damage to hair follicles. You should limit the use of dyes, highlights, peroxide treatments, and perms as these could be harmful to your hair. These kinds of products and treatments do nothing well but serve as a hindrance to healthy and thick hair.

Diet and Exercise

You should take proper care of your hair by nourishing them with nutrients particularly plenty of protein and iron. You should also follow a balanced diet that too with a proper exercising routine. Aerobic activities and nutritious food are potent stimulants for healthy and strong hair as well as reducing hair fall.


Oiling improves blood circulation and nourishes the roots. You should massage your hair at least twice a week with oil that suits your hair. Oiling provides nourishment and deep conditioning that your hair needs and thus prevents hair fall. 

Avoid high-heat hair styling tools

As told earlier, providing excessive heat to your hair makes them weak. This leaves your hair follicle dehydrated and vulnerable to damage. Hairdryers, hair straighteners, and curling irons can damage your hair and cause hair fall. They should be used sparingly and on the lowest possible heat settings.

Hair Fall Treatments

Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is an effective hair growth treatment. It treats hair fall or thinning of hair by providing proper nourishment to the damaged cells in your scalp. It speeds up the repair and regenerative processes to further enhances hair growth and reduce hair fall.

Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation is a restorative method rather than a preventive method to tackle hair loss. In this method, one's hair follicles from the back of the head, also called the Donor area, are extracted and transplanted onto the parts of the scalp that are devoid of hair. This is one of the preferred methods to treat hair loss in the case of Androgenetic Alopecia.


Certain medications can help to reduce hair fall but do consult your doctor before using any one of them. Medications like Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia) have been effective in reducing and reversing hair loss and hair fall. 


Maintaining a proper diet and taking regular care of your hair can make your hair healthier and stronger. Adopting proper methods of hair care will reduce hair fall and make your hair thick and healthy.
The above-mentioned methods will surely give good results. But if the condition persists or your hair loss goes beyond normal shedding, you should speak to your dermatologist or physician to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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